Taking a bite out of one of the most recognized logos in the world, Homer is simply reaffirming the brand power found within Apple’s user base.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and at 20|20 we take that to heart. Simply walk in the office and you’ll see quite a few Apples on our desks.
We may have missed the point of that old adage, but the fact remains, Apple makes a quality product and supports it with some of the industry’s leading creative work. Case in point, take today’s Ad Week ‘Ad of the Day’—Apple’s “Stickers” TV spot promoting their MacBook Air notebook.
Some might cringe at the thought of their brand’s iconic logo serving as a wellspring of visual puns, but as we all know, Apple isn’t ‘some.’ Instead, Apple capitalized on one of the more true-to-form showings of brand loyalty out there.
Playing up the passion of their users, Apple seeks to prove that, rather than imitation, personalization is the greatest form of flattery.
How does your audience personalize your brand?
I’ll let you wrestle with that one while I go grab an apple.