We just keep on exploring! Our hope is that our bi-weekly hikes will not only help us stay healthy, but will also inspire you to take some time out for yourself. Get outside, get some sunshine, and feel more alive! Spending all week in the office means we get a lot of wonderful things done, but by the end of the week we all need to take a couple of hours for ourselves.
For us, making this a during-work activity boosts morale, helps us all bond, and lets us talk about things other than work. It’s a wonderful experience and a key part of the 20|20 culture. Until you get a moment to get outside on your own, take a gander at these photos from our past two hikes on the Bob Jones Trail and Islay Hill.
-The 20|20 Team
- Swinging in the sunshine
- The team after lunch in Avila
- On our way to the top of Islay Hill
- At the very top!
- Checking out the view
- Overlooking town from the South