Sound the Retreat!

20|20 went on the offensive this month and had our everyday routine running for the hills.

The heavy artillery being employed? The famed 20|20 annual company retreat. Wholeheartedly awaited for by some, nervously anticipated by others, at its heart is a guarantee of fun—and copious embarrassment—for all. While some retreats involve a day full of team-building exercises and awkward small talk, here at 20|20, we prefer to skip the small talk and simply focus on the awkward.

Calling upon a variety of tactics, most all of them involve some element of public shaming. This year though, through a combination of mad libs, charades, zip-lines and some good ol’ fashioned creativity, plenty of embarrassment was all but ensured.

After cryptically being assigned the task of writing down a noun, an adjective, an adverb and adverb on pieces of paper, we compiled them all and drew one of each.

Only after were we informed that we must use them to create unique super-hero personas complete with one-of-a-kind special abilities—and costumes—from our oh-so-random prompts.

Uh oh.


In Order of Appearance:

Flakey Cat, aka: Meg
Special Ability: Flying furiously

Flirty Volleyball, aka: Alex
Special Ability: Deeply squirting

Sassy Hobbit, aka: Kevin
Special Ability: Creepily prancing

Hot Urologist, aka: Kent
Special Ability: Tenderly roleplaying

Smart Toenail, aka: Alec
Special Ability: Quickly playing

Invisible Airplane, aka: Wonder Flav, aka: Adrienne
Special Ability: Ghostly ticking