20|20’s been a busy place as of late. One reason- we’ve had the pleasure of working with Google on an internal campaign this fall. Our task was to come up with fun and engaging ways to promote the new Search Network with Display Select function to their teams who interact with advertising customers all over the world. Posters, branded giveaways, t-shirts, landing pages—it’s become one of our favorite campaigns! We’d love to show you all the creative ideas we came up with and the fun ways their employees took hold of them, but they have been deemed Top Secret by the higher ups at Google. If our materials are ever declassified, we’ll share them on our website posthaste!
After all the hard work was done, we took a trip up to the Google campus in Mountain View to tour and celebrate the product launch with the team of engineers who developed it. There was so much to take in: the people, the amazing offices, the bikes, and most importantly the FOOD!
Have a look through a few photos from our trip to catch a glimpse of all the Google-y fun. And don’t forget to look for Search Network with Display Select when it goes live to consumers in 2014!
The 20|20 Team
- Alex loves Google bikes!
- We could get used to this!
- In one of the amazing cafes, ready for lunch.
- The infamous (and flamingo-clad) t-rex.
- Leaving our mark.
- Robyn phones home.
- Walking through “The Quad.”
- Down the infamous slide!
- Meg and Adrienne modeling their new Google shirts!
- All smiles at 20|20!