Brands That Blue It

In our 20-year history of building brands I’m proud to say that only about 15 percent of the the companies we’ve worked with chose blue as their flagship color. When you consider the global average of 60 percent, it’s a figure that’s surprisingly below the norm. But, then again, it makes sense when you consider that most companies that choose …

World Meet Matt. Matt, Meet World.

Meet our newest member of the 20|20 team in just four photos! Name: Matthew Steven Rice Known Aliases: Matt, Mattrice (“Matt Rice” really fast), Mattrice (“Matreese”), Rice-A-Roni, Minute Rice, Uncle Ben’s Rice… From Rice-A-Roni himself: “You know, I’ll be impressed if you come up with a rice joke that I haven’t heard yet.” Challenge. Accepted. Mattrice On Stock Photography: “Stock …

Today in Typography…and Ransom Notes?

If you’ve somehow grown tired of the endless stream of cat photos and painstakingly choreographed selfies clogging your Instagram feed, we’ve got just the timesuck, er, ticket for you. And, if you also happen to be in need of a way to cut the effort out of cutting out letters by hand for your ransom notes, double-win! Meet Type to …