O’Neill and Woolpert Website Launches

20|20 has had the pleasure of working with the estate planning attorneys at O’Neill and Woolpert to refine their web presence. Their practice is truly a family affair, led by mother Charron and daughter Janet, with strong ties within the San Luis Obispo community. We were tasked with the challenge of balancing their legal prowess with the team’s undeniable charm …

The Commercial Your Commercials Should Be Like

Hello, ladies. What makes a memorable commercial in a society of absolute sensory overload? Humor, wit, and a ridiculousness that borders on the absurd, apparently. In 2010, Old Spice, in collaboration with ad agency Wieden+Kennedy, began a new ad campaign that is now commonly referred to as “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.” In a single, uncut shot with …

Runners. Yeah, We’re Different.

In recent months, I’ve taken to a hobby that I never envisioned myself liking: running. It started as a casual effort, a couple miles here and there, but now I’m in deep. So deep that I’ve signed up for the City to the Sea Half Marathon October 14th (yikes). In my time on the road, I’ve become privy to this …

The Asian Macarena

Can you imagine anything as infectious as “Call Me Maybe” or “Sexy and I Know It”? So good, it’s bad. Everyone unfortunately needs to know this song. It’s a Jeopardy answer in the making. It will be on Dick Clark’s recap for 2012. There are over 267,000,000 views on YouTube as I write this. It smashed Guinness World Records and …

To Curiosity and Beyond!

I have always been interested in what lies beyond our planet and the many mysteries that the universe holds. How big is the universe? Are there other planets like ours? Is there life on those planets? If so, what do they look like, and can they communicate with us? There are so many more questions we would like to answer, …

Kickstart My Heart

Kickstarter has been around for a few years now and has made plenty of headlines with it’s multi-million dollar product launches for aspiring inventors and artists, and yet, I’m surprised at how many people still haven’t heard of it in conversation. We have lots of new business start-ups walking through our doors looking for great branding to propel them into …

Heard and Not Seen: Olympic Ads Feature Celebrity Narration

With the Olympics coming to a close, we now have a chance to reflect back on the spectacle of the games. World records set; artful displays of speed and agility; obligatory shots of anxious parents having heart attacks in the stands. It was quite a site to behold. But as for an ad-enthusiast, one of the best parts had to …

Feels Just Like Home

Thanks to Robyn, An American Girl in Sweden, we kindly covered for each other while traveling this year. Check out the pictures below and visit Spain! Not just to pump some dollars into their economy, but because it’s a beautiful country with incredibly generous, friendly people. My most recent two week adventure to Spain included the historic sights of Madrid, …

The Happiest 5k on the Planet!

What do you get when you take a regular ol’ 5k, simmer out the need for speed, and spice it up with an explosion of color? Why, The Color Run of course! For every 1k completed, you are rewarded with a run through a designated “color zone” where volunteers and staff shower you in powdery color. The more kilometers you complete, …

Retreat to Move Forward

50 weeks a year I’m consumed with branding and marketing messages, so it was sure nice this past week to get away from media of all kinds. I attended a week long wilderness retreat in Big Sur through the Esalen Institute led by wilderness guide, Steven Harper. We toured the backcountry of Big Sur and got special access to trails …