Fast Company recently asked four of the top entrepreneurship gurus in the universe to share the stumbles that newbies repeatedly make when pursuing their passion. Their advice was then whittled into 8 common missteps to avoid (read ‘em all here). Today we’re talking about #4 – FEAR OF SPENDING MONEY ON YOUR BRAND. Lewis Howes, the NYT best-selling author, lifestyle …
It’s About to Get All Lukewarm Up in This Office.
Meet our newest member of the 20|20 team! Luke is a Cal Poly grad who joins us from an agency in Boston, as our new copywriter. Name: Lucas Jacob Trauth Known Aliases: Luke, The Truth, Skywalker, Lukester, Lukey From Skywalker himself: “If I had a quarter for every time someone claimed to be my Dad, I’d be worth more than George Lucas.” Skywalker …
More Focus Groups Please
Now there’s a headline that would have Steve Jobs rolling in his grave. Around Apple HQ in Cupertino, it was never exactly a big secret that Jobs never thought too highly of the ol’ focus group, instead decreeing it a process that roughly amounted to putting creativity on trial and that “people don’t know what they want until you show …
Behind the Scenes of a Commercial Shoot
Here at 20|20, we work with a lot video. What better way to tell a story passionately and succinctly? While the final product is impressive, a lot goes into the storyboarding, planning and execution. This week, I thought I’d give you all a peek behind the scenes to learn what goes into a commercial shoot. Recently, we were asked to …
Fresh as the Driven Snow
Strong branding is about great storytelling and, thankfully, the tools we use to tell those stories are getting richer everyday. The Future of Storytelling? I recently came across an integrated story from the New York Times’ website that is a great example. “Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek” combines expertly timed animated GIFs, bite-sized factoids, gripping audio clips and …
A Runner’s Heart
Here at 20|20, we are huge (and I mean HUGE) fans of effective video campaigns that anchor a web presence. In many cases, there is just no better way to succinctly capture the story we’re telling with a brand than with the words and actions of those living that brand each and every day. I recently came across one of …
Superbowl MVP
So sorry for the delay on our regular blog posts! Here at 20|20, we’re just now recovering from the intense onslaught of new Super Bowl commercials and campaigns—one of the biggest days in our industry. And this year’s commercials didn’t disappoint. Check out my personal favorite from Dodge. It sucked me in with Paul Harvey’s familiar voice, and made me …
20|20 Nabs Some ADDYS
Last week we were honored to learn that, in addition to serving our clients, some of the work we’ve done over the past year has been recognized and awarded by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). Each year, the Santa Barbara chapter of the AAF holds the ADDY Awards to recognize the top regional advertising …
Best in Show—Addy Awards 2010
20|20 was awarded five Addy Awards from the American Advertising Federation including “Best in Show” for development of the Friends of Hearst Castle Guardian Campaign. Other creative work receiving awards included the branding for The Villages of SLO, Las Ventanas at Talley Farms and Clever Ducks—Computer Network Services.