You Pin Some, You Lose Some

Hello, my name is Robyn, and I’m a Pin-aholic. For the past six months or so, I’ve developed a love affair with Pinterest. The concept is fairly simple: Pinterest allows users to create and organize visual collections of their favorite things online (fashion, architecture, crafts, music, jokes, links to relevant articles, etc.). The result is a “pin board” that lets …

RRM Design Group Launches New Website

For the past few months, we’ve had the amazing opportunity to work with one of the top architectural design firms on the West Coast. As a multi-disciplined group with focus areas in Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture, Engineering & Surveying, and Sustainable Services, RRM’s process and capabilities provide a unique and powerful solution for its clients. RRM Came to 20|20 to …

The Power of Simplicity

This is about six years old now, but it’s still my all time favorite commercial. I’ve seen it copied by different organizations but the simplicity and power of the original is perfect. If you haven’t seen it, it’s well worth the 2 minutes! -Alec

The Curious Power of the Mind

It is a personal passion of mine to understand how we take in information and what we choose to do with it…how our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. This short video is mind-blowingly simple in demonstrating the point. Enjoy! Lynne

2012 Pantone Color of the Year

As the new fresh air of a new year washes over us this January, we look toward what this fresh start has to offer. Economic recovery? Political unity? Possible apocalypse? It’s quite a mystery, but the folks at Pantone, the authority on everything color, tell us we should at least make a splash in the new year. That’s because Pantone …

The Civil War: A Fun and Interactive Look at History

From 1861-1865 a civil war was fought in the United Stated of America, and 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of that war. In the presidential election of 1860, the Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding slavery beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly advocated nationalism, and in their 1860 platform they denounced …

SLOtheSTIGMA Nominated for Cause/Effect Awards!

Some of you may be familiar with SLOtheSTIGMA, a documentary and campaign produced by 20|20 for Transitions Mental Health Association, to reduce the stigmas associated with mental illness in San Luis Obispo County. If you haven’t seen it, please watch SLOtheSTIGMA. Both the documentary and accompanying advertising campaign were entered into AIGA San Francisco’s (AIGA is the professional association for …