More Focus Groups Please

Now there’s a headline that would have Steve Jobs rolling in his grave. Around Apple HQ in Cupertino, it was never exactly a big secret that Jobs never thought too highly of the ol’ focus group, instead decreeing it a process that roughly amounted to putting creativity on trial and that “people don’t know what they want until you show …

Watch and Learn: The Power of Film in Marketing

Okay, I’ll be honest here, my credentials as a film critic are a bit thin. Still, it’s never kept me from appreciating the medium as a powerful storytelling and marketing tool. While as a writer I’m always hesitant to throw the written word under the proverbial bus, I can’t help but acknowledge the occasional truth behind the old adage, “a picture …

Stuck in the Gutter

Every now and then a kind soul makes the mistake of thinking we know how to conduct ourselves outside of the office. Thankfully, every now and then, we actually surprise ourselves by doing just that. Invited to participate in the annual Transitions-Mental Health Association‘s annual Bowl-A-Thon, we were happy to join, as it’s a fundraiser for a great cause that …

From Product Placement to Primetime

Long one of the power players in product placement, Apple once again reclaimed the top step of the podium, appearing in more films than both Sony and Coca-Cola in 2014. But, while that’s an impressive achievement, it may still fall short of landing the rough equivalent of a 30-minute prime-time commercial. The latest episode of Modern Family, filmed entirely on Apple …

Pantone’s Color of the Year Turns Heads

By Jo King | Appropriated Press SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA — In some of the most anticipated news of the season, Pantone unveiled Marsala, their Color of the Year to a great deal of fanfare this week. While past Colors of the Year have often been bright, bold and vibrant, this year’s color dials down the flair, but brings instead a …

Turbo Rally Hits the Track for a Second Lap

Ask anyone in the office and they’ll tell you that the Kickstarter bug has bitten Alec pretty hard. Fueled by the success of his Addy-Award winning Jimmy Towel campaign, Alec tried his hand again at another project last year. Inspired by an afternoon with his kids, after a few prototypes and a months of play-testing, Turbo Rally Card Racing was …

Sound the Retreat!

20|20 went on the offensive this month and had our everyday routine running for the hills. The heavy artillery being employed? The famed 20|20 annual company retreat. Wholeheartedly awaited for by some, nervously anticipated by others, at its heart is a guarantee of fun—and copious embarrassment—for all. While some retreats involve a day full of team-building exercises and awkward small talk, …

Workplace #Winning

We’re always excited when we see our clients recognized for their success—and we just so happen to be lucky enough for it to be a fairly common occurrence. Also a neighbor of ours here in San Luis Obispo, Advantage Answering Plus was recently singled out by Fortune Magazine as one of the Top 50 Small to Medium Businesses to work for …

Google Doodles of the 2014 World Cup

From June 12th to July 14th, all eyes were fixed on Brazil for the 2014 World Cup tournament. Even fair-weather soccer fans such as myself were drawn into the spectacle that only happens once every four years. Here in the office, we geared up by sharing some of our favorite advertisements: Nike: Risk Everything, Winner Stays, and 3D animated action …

Food For Thought

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and at 20|20 we take that to heart. Simply walk in the office and you’ll see quite a few Apples on our desks. We may have missed the point of that old adage, but the fact remains, Apple makes a quality product and supports it with some of the industry’s leading creative …